IIC Journal of Innovation 15th Edition | Page 83

COVID-19 Can Create Opportunity for IoT in the Caribbean
There have been concerns about private information from contact tracing applications 41 42 43 . However , the respondents understood its importance to analyse epidemiology .
Business engagement methods ( percentages )
I do not want to be contacted
Call me directly
Send text messages to my phone
Send notifications through an app I downloaded
Send information to my email
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Fig . 7 : Summary of business communication methods ( percentages of responses )
Busvine , D . ( 2020 ) Rift opens over European coronavirus contact tracing apps , Reuters . Available at : https :// www . reuters . com / article / us-health-coronavirus-europe-tech / rift-opens-over-european-coronaviruscontact-tracing-apps-idUSKBN2221U0 ( Accessed : 21 April 2020 ).
Scroxton , A . ( 2020a ) Contact-tracing app fails to protect privacy and human rights , Computer Weekly . Available at : https :// www . computerweekly . com / news / 252482805 / Contact-tracing-app-fails-to-protect-privacy-and-humanrights ( Accessed : 9 May 2020 ).
Scroxton , A . ( 2020b ) GDPR wholly inappropriate to govern contact-tracing data , Computer Weekly . Available at : https :// www . computerweekly . com / news / 252483355 / GDPR-wholly-inappropriate-to-govern-contact-tracing-data ( Accessed : 20 May 2020 ).
- 78 - November 2020