IIC Journal of Innovation 15th Edition | Page 70

COVID-19 Can Create Opportunity for IoT in the Caribbean
sensing ( a form of social sensing using crowdsourced data 2 ). The need to find solutions to enable a safe return to work has increased the focus of using of IoT devices 3 .
This concept of using IoT systems in the medical field is not new and was highlighted in the development of “ sustainable healthcare ” 4 , “ mobile health applications ” 5 , “ Medical Internet of Things ( MIoT )” for use as an “ Integrated Clinical Environment ( ICE ) framework ” 6 as well as in the development of a “ Smart City Healthcare ” system 7 . These systems required the connectivity of various sensors that feed data into the healthcare system 8 and form part of the wider global health agenda set forth in the UN SDG 3 Good heath & Well-being . It had been identified that IoT is a key component to achieving the sustainable development goals 9 10 11 .
Xu , Z . et al . ( 2016 ) ‘ Participatory sensing-based semantic and spatial analysis of urban emergency events using mobile social media ’, Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking . Springer International Publishing , 2016 ( 1 ), pp . 1 – 9 . doi : 10.1186 / s13638-016-0553-0 .
Ancipink , P . ( 2020 ) How IoT , Wearables And Existing Tech Will Help Ensure Back-To-Work Safety , Forbes . https :// www . forbes . com / sites / ibmsecurity / 2020 / 07 / 30 / how-iot-wearables-and-existing-tech-will-help-ensureback-to-work-safety /# 73c9dea32cb4 ( Accessed : 23 September 2020 ).
Turcu , C . E . and Turcu , C . O . ( 2013 ) ‘ Internet of Things as Key Enabler for Sustainable Healthcare Delivery ’, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 73 , pp . 251 – 256 . doi : 10.1016 / j . sbspro . 2013.02.049 .
Santos , A . et al . ( 2014 ) ‘ Internet of Things and Smart Objects for M-health Monitoring and Control ’, Procedia Technology , 16 , pp . 1351 – 1360 . doi : 10.1016 / j . protcy . 2014.10.152 .
Soroush , H ., Arney , D . and Goldman , J . ( 2016 ) ‘ Toward a Safe and Secure Medical Internet of Things ’, IIC Journal of Innovation , ( June ), p . 15 . Available at : https :// www . iiconsortium . org / news / joi-articles / 2016-June-Toward-a- Safe-And-Secure-Medical-IoT . pdf .
Gupta , N . ( 2017 ) ‘ How IoT Can Significantly Improve Healthcare in the Context of Smart City ’, IIC Journal of Innovation , ( June ). Available at : https :// www . iiconsortium . org / pdf / June _ 2017 _ JoI _ Improving _ Smart _ City _ Healthcare . pdf .
YIN , Y . et al . ( 2016 ) ‘ The internet of things in healthcare : An overview ’, Journal of Industrial Information Integration . Elsevier , 1 , pp . 3 – 13 . doi : 10.1016 / j . jii . 2016.03.004 .
World Economic Forum ( 2018 ) Internet of Things Guidelines for Sustainability . Cologny / Geneva . Available at : http :// www3 . weforum . org / docs / IoTGuidelinesforSustainability . pdf .
Klement , P . et al . ( 2020 ) How Digital Transformation and IoT Can Contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals . Needham . Available at : https :// www . iiconsortium . org / pdf / IIC _ IOTAA _ DX _ UN _ SDG _ White _ Paper _ 2020-06- 22 . pdf .
Salam , A . ( 2020 ) Internet of things for sustainable community development : Introduction and overview . Edited by G . Fortino and A . Liotta . Cham : Springer International Publishing ( Internet of Things ). doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-030-
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