IIC Journal of Innovation 15th Edition | Page 40

Safely Back to Work
Fig . 16 : Area covered by LiDAR sensors
Given the amount of data collected by the LiDARs during the scans , the bandwidth generated by each LiDAR would require a separate wired connection so as to not interfere with operation of other wireless systems in the space . In a multi-LiDAR system , a separate network is created to carry the scan information from the LiDARs to the software processing system for calculation and presentation .
The presented sensing technologies showcase the various approaches one could take in designing an IoT-enabled solution that allows for employees to return safely back to work . We have detailed the benefits and tradeoffs of each technology , showing that the chosen approach depends on the use case and requirements of the space and business .
Use Case
Advantages Disadvantages Complexity of Implementation
Video Analytics
Occupancy tracking ; Face mask detection ;
Near Realtime
Light dependent ; Privacy issues ; Requires high processing
Medium Depends on camera resolution , focal length ,
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