IIC Journal of Innovation 15th Edition | Page 34

Safely Back to Work
with this approach because the mask-detection software gives correct results only when the detected face is almost frontal .
Video Analytics
Video surveillance can be an effective way to monitor public places for violations of socialdistancing guidance . A video camera is mounted at height that can capture the maximum area that can be monitored without diminishing the quality of image . The video feed is then passed on to a computer software that detects people in a video frame and analyzes their positions to estimate if two people are close to each other . The optimum height , position and angle of the camera needs to be determined for the space being monitored 18 .
Fig . 9 : Social Distance Monitoring via Video Surveillance
18 https :// www . farsight . co . uk / blog / where-to-position-cctv-cameras-in-your-business /
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