IIC Journal of Innovation 15th Edition | Page 25

Safely Back to Work
office management to monitor spaces that are at risk for COVID spread , alert employees when occupancy counts for a space is too high , and collect data for changes in space utilization .
Compliance with Face Masks
Face masks form an effective barrier for the pathogens and prevent infection for other people 5 . Several governments across the world have made the use of face masks in public places compulsory . Offices and workplaces are expected to comply with these orders , but don ’ t currently have a way of monitoring the level of compliance to maintain the health and safety of their workers . Given the vast amounts of spaces where employees will be required to wear a mask , a passive monitoring solution will be effective as a way to measure the percentage of employees wearing masks in the office .
Social Distancing Adherence
In the U . S ., the CDC recommends a 6 feet distance between individuals to prevent the spread of COVID 6 . In the workplace , however , employees may be used to congregating together in conference rooms , lunch spaces , and hallways and behavior changes will be difficult to enforce . It is possible that an entire redesign of an office space will be needed to combat this issue , and to do so , an accurate understanding of the movement and idle time of employees will lead to an effective office redesign . Thus , a tool or approach that detects whether individuals are violating the 6 feet separation guidance will allow for insights on what spaces may necessitate warnings , more management , or an entire redesign of the crowded space .
Our survey details the wide range of technologies and solutions available today that can be applied to this challenging business problem , ensuring that employees are able to return back to work safely and in compliance with the local jurisdiction . This survey will detail the use of video analytics for monitoring occupancy , mask compliance , and social distancing , will go over the use of LiDAR for occupancy counts and social distance measurement , and discuss comparisons between a variety of other sensors .
5 https :// www . cdc . gov / coronavirus / 2019-ncov / prevent-getting-sick / prevention . html
6 https :// www . cdc . gov / coronavirus / 2019-ncov / prevent-getting-sick / social-distancing . html
- 20 - November 2020