IIC Journal of Innovation 13th Edition | Page 53

What’s New at the IIC: Reimagining Business and Industry organizations are working together to advance the IIoT and digital transformation through the creation of a robust, interoperable, flexible and efficient IIoT ecosystem. An effort of the Liaison Working Group, IIC and oneM2M aim to help vertical markets achieve interoperability and reusability by minimizing complexity and the cost of designing, developing and deploying IoT and IIoT systems to shorten time-to-market and value- creation cycles. • The Industrial Internet of Things: Managing and Assessing Trustworthiness for IIoT in Practice Trustworthiness is the degree to which a system performs as expected in the face of environmental disturbances, loss of performance quality and accuracy, human errors, system faults and attacks. Assurance of trustworthiness is the degree of confidence one has in this expectation. A system must be assured as being trustworthy for a business or organization to have confidence in it. Depending on the context of the system and the possible consequences of failures, the effort spent on achieving a specific level of confidence will vary. With this whitepaper, the IIC hopes to raise awareness in industry of the importance of trustworthiness, context and assurance; how to measure, analyze and assess it; as well as how to manage and govern it. • Software Trustworthiness Best Practices Untrustworthy software has significant, even life-threatening effects in an industrial context where trustworthy implementations are required for safe, secure, private, reliable, resilient and functional systems. This paper provides a high-level overview of software trustworthiness for developers, owners/operators and decision makers in IIoT systems. Written my members of the Trustworthiness Task Group, this document addresses various aspects of creating, acquiring and protecting software. It provides practical and actionable best practices for recognizing, addressing managing and mitigating risks and their sources, whether developed in-house or acquired. Testbeds, Test Drives and Testbed Results • Long Term Evolution (LTE) for Metro Testbed Announced in March 2020, the new Long Term Evolution (LTE) for Metro Testbed led by Huawei and partners is the first IIC testbed for the rail transportation industry. The LTE for Metro Testbed shows the feasibility of adapting LTE for Metro technologies for the urban rail sector. Within metro systems, multiple types of wireless communication services are used for train control and for management between devices on a moving train and facilities on the ground. As information and communications technology in construction continues to grow, the requirements for urban rail operational management become more stringent 49 March 2020