IIC Journal of Innovation 12th Edition | Page 34

Digital Twin Development for Serial Manipulators: Data Driven Optimized Planning and Sequencing of Tasks Figure 1: Essential Components of a Digital Twin line, warehouse, Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM), automated guided vehicle (AGV), Manufacturing Intelligence Control Room (MICR), Virtual Manufacturing Lab (VML) and more. The entire workflow of gearbox production running in MF @ ARTC is designed and based on the Reference Architecture Model Industrie 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) as shown in Figure 2. The RAMI 4.0 consists of a three-dimensional coordinate system that describes all important aspects of Industrie 4.0, such as hierarchy levels, life cycle and value stream and layers. The hierarchy levels represent the different functionalities in the MF. The life cycle axis represents the life cycle of facilities and products for the life cycle management while the vertical layer axis describes the breakdown properties of a machine or complex system. 17 The vertical architecture dimension is made up of six layers and describes the top-down approach derived D IGITAL T WIN FOR S ERIAL M ANIPULATORS In Singapore, manufacturing is a key pillar of the economy. In order to remain competitive in manufacturing, the Singapore government invested in R&D and promoting technology adaption towards the Future of Manufacturing (FoM) to open up new manufacturing business models. The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) led the implementation of FoM in Singapore. A*STAR has created two Model Factories, namely Model Factory @ SIMTech and Model Factory @ ARTC. 16 The full gearbox production is carried out in Model Factory (MF) @ ARTC testbeds. The testbeds include the gearbox shaft fabrication process by Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines, gearbox assembly 16 A*STAR. “Future of Manufacturing Initiative”. September 2017 2014. Last visit March 2019. Available online: https://bit.ly/2Y4Wac2. 17 Schweichhart, K., Reference Architectural Model Industrie https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/system/files/ged/a2-schweichhart- reference_architectural_model_industrie_4.0_rami_4.0.pdf. IIC Journal of Innovation - 29 - 4.0 (RAMI 4.0), Dr. Karsten Schweichhart,