Digital Twin + Industrial Internet for Smart Manufacturing: A Case Study in the Steel Industry
online thermal efficiency, not because of the
complexity of calculation but rather because
of the unavailability of online data which are
usually scattered across multiple data silos
and hard to access. Without online
evaluation of the thermal efficiency, it is
impossible to optimize the boiler’s operation.
stoppage for some sub-processes (e.g.
converters) and oversupply at other times
which, at its worst, can result in wasteful
discharge into the atmosphere.
The Solution: Gather production scheduling
and operational data from all relevant sub-
processes; predict the amount of oxygen
consumption in the pipeline while
accounting for the oxygen consumption
priorities among the sub-processes; and
recommendations to the operators at
various sub-processes to fine tune
consumption levels where appropriate. The
operational recommendations are given to
maintain a balance of oxygen demand and
supply and to steady oxygen pressure in the
pipeline while maximizing productivity.
The Solution: Gather all the relevant design
parameters, historic performance data,
operating state data (load, gas consumption,
oxygen concentration, outlet carbon
concentration, temperature values at air
inlet, boiler surface, smoke exhaust, water
inlet, steam outlet and other dozens of
parameters), perform online thermal
efficiency calculation, assess potential
optimization opportunities under the
operating conditions and provide specific
operational recommendations (such as
increasing or decreasing inlet air flow to
ensure optimal thermal efficiency).
Aiming to solve real-world problems in an
iron-and-steel plant, we have deployed a
number of smart apps with an industrial
internet platform implementing a digital
twin framework. This deployment is still in
the early stages, and its full value will be
evaluated in the coming months. However,
we have garnered some learnings through
this deployment so far:
Oxygen Pipeline Smart App
In an iron-and-steel plant, various sub-
processes including blast furnace, converter
and continuous casting use a large amount
of oxygen gas. The gas is typically supplied by
oxygen production equipment with limited
The Problem: The oxygen-consuming
equipment run at different production paces
and rhythms. For example, a blast furnace is
largely run continuously while converters
run in a batch production process. The total
consumption of oxygen is thus not in a
steady state; rather, it often comes with
peaks and valleys in the amount required to
maintain smooth production across all these
sub-processes. This can lead to oxygen
shortages at times which cause production
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operational/production processes is
required to understand what the
customers’ needs (pain-points) are and
where optimizations are most valuable
and feasible (low-hanging fruits).
To be successful in realizing the benefit
of these smart apps, committed
customers are needed—not only for