IIC Journal of Innovation 12th Edition | Page 24

Digital Twin + Industrial Internet for Smart Manufacturing: A Case Study in the Steel Industry Figure 6: Industrial Internet platform with Digital Twin Framework as data-driven operating platform the interface concept in object-oriented programming, thus simplifying application developments by isolating the application developers from the complexity of the physical world. horizontally layered architecture consists of the loosely coupled data, model and application frameworks unified by a digital twin framework. Because of its cloud computing origin, this architecture is inherently scalable and reliable and enables easy data integration, model execution and application DevOp. It is flexible to be deployed in various environments, e.g. public clouds, private clouds or even on the edge (as in the manufacturing environment), providing the necessary performance, security and control. At the end, such an architecture would incorporate an increasing array of GUI-based tools, making the development of data-driven industrial applications simpler, at shorter cycles and lowered cost, thus making the industrial internet more economically applicable to a larger number of manufacturing settings. Envisioned here is a new class of data-driven industrial operating platforms as illustrated in Figure 6, encompassing the requisite architectural elements discussed above in reference to and consistent with the functional domain architecture of the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture 4 published by the Industrial Internet Consortium. It is built on recent advances in cloud computing, big data and machine learning/Artificial Intelligence technologies and provides a clear and simple horizontally layered architecture that abstracts out the common core capabilities required by data- driven intelligent industrial applications. This 4 "Industrial Internet Reference Architecture," Industrial Internet Consortium, Boston, 2017. IIC Journal of Innovation - 19 -