IIC Journal of Innovation 11th Edition | Page 25

Outcomes, Insights and Best Practices from IIC Testbeds: Deep Learning Facility Tesbed labeled. Incorporating the autoencoder eliminated the need for this supervision. Another challenge is what the autoencoder cannot do — root-cause which device's behavior is unusual. Toshiba's data scientists did so with their expertise. of the system with the data scientists. E XPERIENCE The teams from Toshiba, Dell and SAS have experienced shared learnings and cross- validation in projects through the Deep Learning Facility Testbed. Throughout working on the testbed, it has been useful to reference the IIRA and other IIC resources to enhance learnings. The testbed team looks forward to sharing their experiences with the industry so that others may benefit from their findings and launch their own projects in AI and deep learning technology. Dell perceived several challenges in applying deep learning to very large-scale environments in real buildings, rather than a simulation field in a lab. The real world is a different environment from a lab; the neural networks that are generated must be as precise as possible, and re-training may be required — it is not enough to train an algorithm and deploy it. This requires access to the same data by all compute nodes simultaneously, a notable innovation in the industry. Toshiba, Dell and SAS have been sharing experiences, collaborating and driving learning in terms of what can contribute toward their individual products. The companies have also found that the visibility of their own AI activities has improved due to their involvement in the testbed. One challenge SAS encountered was the access and integration of data between the hybrid of different building management technologies. Even within one facility on the campus, there are multiple vendors who install systems there. To get a decent model of the building, the data from those different systems needs to be brought together. Buildings built at different times further add to the complexity of accessing and integrating that data. In offering advice to other testbeds or companies embarking on leading-edge IoT implementations, the Deep Learning Facility Testbed team stresses that IoT solutions cannot be realized by just one company. Partner matching is a crucial aspect of reaching a solution, and taking advantage of the IIC ecosystem plays a significant role in setting the stage for a successful testbed. Another challenge comes into play when accessing the data from various systems. Often, building managers have a contractor responsible for a particular system. The contractor installs the equipment and collects the data, but they may be hesitant to give out this data if they do not understand why someone is requesting it. The legal agreement must specify that the contractor must share the detail-level data C LOSING While Phases 1 and 2 of the Deep Learning Facility Testbed are well underway, and Phase 3 — transferring the testbed’s technology into a public facility — is on the horizon, there have been a number of key learnings and insights since the testbed’s - 21 - June 2019