IIC Journal of Innovation 11th Edition | Page 7

Industrial Artificial Intelligence Rosenblatt’s Perceptron 6 had three layers with the middle set of neurons called the association layer. In 1969 Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert from MIT wrote a book 7 stating that a multi-layered approach to neural networks would not be successful, which effectively eliminated funding for that kind of AI. Tell that to the folks creating amazing results with Convolution Neural Network (CNN) image recognition. It took twenty years for the innovation to get started again. E ARLY I NDUSTRIAL AI Applications of AI in industry extended the ideas for pruned searches of the solution space, especially with the focus on product design, production planning and logistics. Mark Fox from Carnegie Mellon University summarized 8 the advances within two AI categories: Knowledge Representation and Search. He framed the driving forces as shown in Table 1. Force Description Expertise Scarcity is endemic to many corporations Decision complexity Large number of alternatives from which to choose, exacerbated by flexible manufacturing systems Decision support Information is becoming more complex, reduce to only what is necessary for an individual to decide Decision timelines Coordination Deadline to plan and decide is decreasing How can designs help optimize the down-stream activities? Table 1: Issues in Manufacturing These motivations drove specific applications of AI, especially expert systems, in the 1970s and 80s. Table 2 8 below summarizes those early applications. I NDUSTRIAL AI T ODAY The ground-breaking innovations in the last century are having a dramatic impact on many aspects of our lives. In addition, there is benefit from revisiting those solutions 6 Rosenblatt, F., “The Perceptron: A Probabilistic Model for Information Storage and Organization in the Brain”, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Psychological Review, v65 (1958). 7 Minsky, M., Papert, S., “Perceptrons: an introduction to computational geometry”, The MIT Press, Second Edition (1972). 8 Fox, M.S., “Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence”, Robotics, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Elsevier (December 1986). - 3 - June 2019