IIC Journal of Innovation 10th Edition | Page 21

Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond desktop flat screens towards the same purpose. C ONCLUSIONS This article introduced and explored the notion of intelligent reality -- an underlying conceptual transition towards the contextualization of IoT analytics by utilizing gaming engines, AI and computer vision software. The combination of XR, AI and IoT should lead to greater penetration of data science into the world of work. When these technologies operationalize analytics, cost savings can be realized across an enterprise. Tying together the field and remote workers is streaming analytics and AI. Both field and remote devices can be fed in real-time by the same engine over standard network protocols. Just as two different users of the same web site can have a consistent view of live data, a proximate first responder and a remote analyst can share the same view. Through standard telephone voice technology, they can stay in sync and communicate around the same data. The streaming analytics engine can tie in to machine learning inference just as in the previous example. - 17 - March 2019