IIC Journal of Innovation 10th Edition | Page 12

Intelligent Realities For Workers Using Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Beyond to be addressed 12 , they are not unique to reality applications. Reality applications can be networked and fit in with a traditional query-and-reporting client-server architecture. As observed in “Immersive Analytics: Building Virtual Data Worlds for Collaborative Decision Support”, traditional 2D data visualization can work across the reality-virtuality continuum. 13 On the UI front, intelligent reality has been enabled by wearable and portable computers, including XR HMDs and smart phones, and high-performance graphics that can faithfully render realities. While HMDs represent an important shift in computing, they are still wearables that may not be acceptable to many users and use cases. The following architectural view attempts to de- emphasize the importance of HMDs in reality intelligence architecture. General Model of Device and Reality Interaction Figure 3: Device and reality interaction view 12 L Belli et al., “A Scalable Big Stream Cloud Architecture for the Internet of Things,” International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering, 5(4), 26-53, October-December 2015. http://www.tlc.unipr.it/ferrari/Publications/Journals/BeCiDaFeMeMoPi_IJSSOE15.pdf 13 R. Hackathorn and T. Margolis, “Immersive Analytics: Building Virtual Data Worlds for Collaborative Decision Support,” IEEE VR2016 Workshop, March 2016. Available: http://www.immersiveanalytics.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/VR2016-IA- HackathornMargolis-20160322.pdf IIC Journal of Innovation - 8 -