Aqra’ bin H`Abis at-Tamim was sitting beside him.
Al-Aqra said, “I have ten children and I have never
kissed anyone of them,” Allah’s Apostle cast a look
at him and said, “Whoever is not merciful to others
will not be treated mercifully.” [Sahih Al Bukhari :
Book 78, Hadith 6063]
However, our Prophet (SAW) was building attachment
comfort in children, which greatly benefits the child’s
emotional and mental state of being. These episodes
of comforting remain with the child and is extremely
important in their psychological development as he/she
tend to remember being hugged and kissed, which is why
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would often times make Du’a
for or teach something about Islam to children whenever
he embraced them. If we think about children who would
grow up having never been hugged, kissed or comforted
by their parents or guardians, how do we think their
lives with their spouses and children would then be? By
showing this Mercy, comfort and love to young children,
Prophet Muhammad (SAW), was looking after the
generation of Muslims to come.
Instilling trust and confidence in children was yet
another way that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) showed
his love and mercy to the younger generation. He would
always remind them to pray and teach them something
about Islam while playing with them or giving them a
pat or kiss on the head. Allah has said,
[Sahih Al Bukhari : Volume 8, Hadith 222]
In a similar hadith we see that Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) also showed great care and concern for the
children around him, especially in times when they were
sad or depressed, by trying to cheer them up,
The Prophet (SAW) loved Abu ‘Umair and always
played with him. One day the Prophet saw that he
was depressed. The Companions told him that it
was because his Nughair (pet nightingale) had died.
The Prophet tried to make him laugh and said, ‘Abu
Umair! What happened to Nughair?’
[Sunan At Tirmidhi]
From this we learn the importance of understanding
children and their feelings especially when they lose
someone or something they have grown attached to
and love. It is important that we learn from Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) how to earn the love, trust,
confidence and attachment of children, so that they are
better individuals through it, Islamically and all-round.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was so much more than just
the man who brought the message of Islam to us, he
was the most loving, kind, compassionate man who ever
lived. He was a teacher and the best exemplar. He was a
mercy to mankind, truly the Best among humankind.
“And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except
as a mercy to the worlds.”
[Surah Al Anbiyah:107]
By building trust and confidence, a child is more open
to accepting the lesson being taught to them. It is
noteworthy that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was no only
merciful and caring in certain instances, but rather he
was merciful all the time. Anas ibn Maalik (RA) reported,
“I have never seen a man who was more
compassionate to his family members than
[Sahih Muslim]
In another narration, we see clearly the care and concern
Muhammad (SAW) had for children, and he made it his
duty to enquire about the child and converse with them.
Anas (radiyallahu anhu) again reported,
“The Prophet was the best of all the people in
character. I had a brother called Abu Umayr, who,
I think, had been newly weaned. Whenever the
Prophet came to visit that child, the Prophet used
to say, ‘’O Abu Umar! What did Al-Nughair (a pet
nightingale) (do)?’’ It was a nightingale with which
he used to play. Sometimes the time of the Prayer
became due while he (the Prophet) was in our house.
He would order that the carpet underneath him be
swept and sprayed with water, and then he would
stand up (for the prayer) and we would line up behind
him, and he would lead us in prayer”