and sins ), believed ( in the Oneness of Allah , and in His Messenger Muhammad SAW ), and did righteous deeds ( in the life of this world ), then he will be among those who are successful .” ( Quran 28:67 )
Allah continuously reminds us in the Qur ’ an of His infinite mercy and compassion . Muslims are enjoined to maintain inner spiritual purity through constant remembrance and prayer to God . Islam balances the spiritual dimension by emphasizing human responsibility . Human beings are created with a purpose . Attainment of piety is but one dimension of such purpose ; playing an active role in the creation of a just society is another .
Apart from human responsibility , Islam also teaches human accountability . The final destination of human beings is the hereafter . Muslims believe that , at the end of time , all human beings will be resurrected to account for their deeds . Those who have performed righteous deeds will be rewarded with eternal bliss in heaven and those who have performed evil acts will be punished in hell .
Islam also teaches that human beings have a moral obligation to live in harmony with one another . Islam recognizes and accords rights to all human beings regardless of race , colour or creed . Islam requires its followers to show respect and tolerance even to those who do not share their faith . Prophet Muhammad ( SAS ) said : “ God has no mercy on one who shows no mercy to others ”. Freedom of conscience is guaranteed by the Qur ’ an , where it states : “ There is no compulsion in religion ” ( Quran 2:256 ).
As stated in the verse , no one can be compelled to live by Islamic morals . Conveying the existence of God and the morals of the Qur ’ an to other people is a duty for believers , but they call people to the path of God with kindness and love and they never force them . It is only God Who guides people to the right way . This is related in the following verse : “ You cannot guide those you would like to but God guides those He wills . He has best knowledge of the guided .” ( Quran 28 : 56 )
Islamic law stipulates that Muslims should protect the status of minorities , therefore the life and property of all citizens in an Islamic state are considered sacred , whether a person is a Muslim or not . Because of this , non-Muslim places of worship have survived and flourished all over the Muslim world .
The concept of jihad ( wrongly translated as holy war ) refers to the duty of Muslims to struggle for their faith and the welfare of the Muslim community . The Qur ’ an does not permit aggression against anyone and Prophet Muhammad ( SAS ) propagated his message in a peaceful manner . Warfare is permitted only in self-defence . However , it must be noted that people only resort to violence when their basic human rights are violated and when all attempts at peaceful settlement are thwarted .
Islam further encourages Muslims to respect the rights of all living things . Therefore , Muslims are required to be conscious of the environment and are not allowed to cause harm to nature .
Islam and Women
Muslim women have all the rights of their male counterparts . Islam granted full rights to women fourteen hundred years ago . Muslim women may own and dispose property ; they may work , exercise voting powers and exercise numerous other rights freely without constraints . More so , Muslim women cannot be forced to marry against their will .
To preserve chastity , respect and moral values in society , Muslim men and women are required to dress in a manner which is considered modest and dignified . Women are asked to cover their hair and wear loose clothing . The diversity of female dress in some Muslim countries is often the expression of local customs .
Islam and Life
Islam is a complete way of life , there is purpose in everything we are commanded to say and do as Muslims . Islam has guidelines for every aspect of life , be it the way we speak , the way we eat , the way we dress , the way we purify ourselves , the way we conduct business , the way we carry about ourselves , the way we treat people , the way we treat animals , the way we sleep ; Islam is a guide for this life . The Quran is our manual and the Life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ( SAS ) is our or personal , one on one tutorial for our journey in this life . Once followed , it will lead to immense rewards and ultimate happiness in the hereafter .
Islam is a universal religion and it is easy to become a Muslim . One has to believe and affirm that “ There is no God but Allah ( SWT ) and that Muhammad ( SAS ) is the Messenger of God ”.
If you or someone you know has questions about Islam or would like to learn more about Islam , we encourage you to speak to a Muslim , read the Quran ( in English ) and see for yourself why Islam is the largest growing religion in the world !
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WRITTEN by . Kerina Mohammed
10 | Ihsaan | Issue 1