iHerp Australia Issue 14 | Page 37

Rhinoceros Viper (Bitis nasicornis). Annotated skull with bones labelled as follows: 1. Compound 2. Dentary 3. Frontal 4. Maxilla 5. Palatine 6. Pterygoid 7. Parietal 8. Prefrontal 9. Premaxilla 10. Postorbital 11. Pootic 12. Supratemporal 13. Quadrate Image courtesy Scott Eipper. interesting. With so many functions, from housing the brain, the delicate eyes and ocular nerves, as well as the mechanisms behind other senses such as taste and smell, not to mention being indispensible for activities such as hunting, feeding, and drinking, the skull is by necessity a finely orchestrated and complicated structure. Reductions to the skull during snake evolution might seem limiting, however it was the loss and modification of certain structures in their lizard-like ancestors that led to their incredible ability to swallow massive prey items. The first members of the class Reptilia appeared in the late Carboniferous Period, some 312 million years ago; sauropsid turtles and crocodiles had emerged by the As lizards developed greater biting ability, the temporal fenestrae became larger to accommodate more muscle. The infratemporal arch, the bottom boundary of the lower or inferior temporal fenestra, was lost. With further reductions in the outer skull, the quadrate bone became detached and elongated, and was co-opted into articulating the jaw. For the purpose of comparison, let's jump for a moment to the mammals - more specifically ourselves. The human lower jaw is made up of the mandible, a single, large arch of the dentary bone, fused at the chin. The articular and quadrate bones, now called the malleus and incus, have migrated to create the mammalian middle ear. The upper ‘The requirements for mobility and a powerful bite began to outweigh the need for a heavy, bony outer skull.’ Triassic, early birds and lizards by the Jurassic, and snakes followed in the Cretaceous. Early reptiles (the Sauropsida) possessed an anapsid skull with a domed roof formed by sutured bony plates, broken only by holes for the eyes, the nostrils, and the photoreceptive parietal or pineal eye (located towards the rear of the head on the dorsal surface). As the requirements for mobility and a powerful bite came to outweigh the need for a heavy, bony outer skull, small openings began to appear in the casing behind the eye. These ‘temporal fenestrae’ (using the Latin word for windows) reduce weight and create space for the jaw muscles to move. In the ancestral mammalian clade (Synapsida), two additional openings expanded to become one large window in the side of the head. Sauropsid reptiles underwent a similar process, developing a diapsid skull characterized by two temporal fenestrae on each side. Some diapsid lineages later evolved a single larger opening similar to that of the synapsid skull. jaw and cheekbones are in fact composed of the maxillary (upper jaw) and squamosal bones fused together and into the cranium, forming the zygomatic arch to which our jaw abductor muscles attach, and allowing for clenching and chewing by lifting and manoeuvring the mandible. This movement of the mandible is all the kinesis our jaws are capable of. If you've ever watched a snake feed, something very different is going on. The top, bottom, left and right all seem to move independently but in remarkably cohesive and co-operative fashion to drag massive prey items ever further down, down, down the hatch. Snakes achieve this incredible cranial kinesis by a number of means. When the early snakes broke away the early lizards, some 150 million years ago in the late Jurassic or early Cretaceous, they already possessed the reduced outer skull and, impor- tantly, the mobile quadrate bone of Squamate reptiles. The quadrate links the squamosal bone to the small articular bone, from which ligaments suspend the entire jaw