iHerp Australia Issue 11 | Page 51

T here are approximately 3,400 extant species of snakes, having a cosmopolitan distribution and occupying a huge range of habitats. The evolution- ary success of this group is due in part to their incredible locomotory abilities. An obvious diagnostic feature of snakes is their state of ‘leglessness’: the earliest snakes possessed tiny hind limbs, however through the course of evolution these were lost. Early-diverging snakes (e.g. boas and pythons) still retain vestiges of the pelvic girdle and hind limbs, however these are functionless. Natural selection was responsible for the loss of limbs, so snakes’ body plan must confer adaptive benefits. Nevertheless, being legless poses significant challenges in terms of locomotion. two additional sets of zygapophyses - paired bony processes that interlock each vertebra with the vertebrae above and below. These help limit torsion, without dramatically restricting the lateral bending of the vertebral column. But moving on land using lateral undulations is much harder than in water. Tetrapods use their limbs to generate thrust. The solid framework of bones and muscles functions as a system of levers, transmitting force to the substrate and powering the animals along. Without limbs, snakes lack these propulsive forces. Instead, their anatomi- cal basis for movement involves their long backbones (comprising several hundred vertebrae) and complex, multi-segmented muscle chains and tendons. On surfaces with some texture, snakes’ scales create passive friction, with less directed towards the front than the back, Stem snakes (the earliest snakes identified from the fossil enabling forwards movement. The amount of friction can record) evolved approximately 125 million years ago, and be actively adjusted by modifying the angle between the crown snakes (modern snakes) evolved about 105 scales and the substrate – too much would impede move- million years ago. Both originated on land (rather than in ment. aquatic settings), and snakes’ distinctive long, limbless body plan appears to have evolved as an adaptation for modes of burrowing. This hypothesis is supported by the analysis of fossils (Dinilysia patagonica) linked to ancestral snakes; these possess a unique inner ear structure shared are recognised. by extant burrowing snakes and lizards, but which is absent in snakes living in water or above ground. Furthermore, all extant snakes have an elongate body with The mechanics of movement. a relatively short tail - a trait they share with burrowing lizards. Six modes of snake locomotion are recognised: lateral undulation, sidewinding, concertina, rectilinear, ‘slide- Like ancestral fish and then the first land-based tetrapods, pushing’ and saltation. Several different modes may be ancestral reptiles inherited a form of locomotion based on employed simultaneously at different points along the alternating lateral undulations of the body. Most snakes snake’s body. Species differ in their tendency to use a par- retain this pattern, however the lack of legs and highly ticular mode, and this is associated with differences in undulatory nature of movement places very high twisting body plan and adaptations to the substrate they frequently forces on their vertebral columns. To cope, snakes have encounter. Lateral undulation – characteristically called serpentine movement – is the most widespread mode of locomotion. Concertina locomotion and sidewinding are also common, and are used when there are insufficient substrate projections necessary for lateral undulations. All generate propulsive forces through laterally flexing the vertebral column by contracting axial muscles. ‘SIX SNAKE LOCOMOTION During lateral undulations, horizontal waves travel down alternate sides of the body. Although limbed reptiles also often move with lateral undulations, snakes differ because lacking limbs to provide fixed points for generating propulsive force, they instead rely on moving their body continuously to push past fixed irregularities (e.g. stones, grass tussocks, bumps) in the environment. Despite each point generating a sideways force, the lateral forces on opposite sides of the body cancel out, leaving a net rearward force which propels the snake forwards. Studies have revealed that laterally-undulating snakes move by continuous posterior propagation of alternating unilateral muscle activity, with limited contribution from the tail. Whilst this form of locomotion works well on rugged substrates, it gets a snake nowhere on a smooth surface! Sidewinding is effective on low-friction, shifting sub- strates like sand or mud. Watching a snake sidewinding is ’