iHemp issue #14 (Recipe Book) Recipe Hemp Food eBook - Feb 2021 | Page 26

Instructions for 1 serving :

Raw Chocolate , Kiwifruit ,

Hemp Smoothie

Instructions for 1 serving :

1 ) Shave a tablespoon of Raw Cacao ( or cocoa ) into the blender container .
2 ) Add a pinch of Sea Salt ( just a tiny , bit which activates the taste of the chocolate ).
3 ) Add a sweetener ; up to 1 tablespoon of powdered Jaggery and / or Raw Majool Date to taste .
4 ) Add 1 whole peeled Kiwifruit . 5 ) Add 3 tablespoons of Wild Rivers Hemp Hearts . 6 ) Top up with Spring Water 7 ) A dash of Cinnamon
8 ) Wizz that up and serve in an attractive glass with a slice of Kiwifruit and or shaved chocolate on top .
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