iHemp issue #13 Nov 2020 | Page 17

Next we are going to produce a hempbased burger , and are keen to see cheese and yoghurts made with hemp seed .
We believe in an ethical and sustainable approach to the use of resources and the environment . And are striving to establish bio regional developments , centred around the regenerative production of seed and natural fiber crops , grown and processed locally .
We started Hemp Seed Pet Foods Ltd in 2005 , and in 2018 we celebrated the change in the food regulations by dropping the word “ Pet ”.
Hemp Seed Foods , then spent 2019 investigating a hemp milk and developing our brand “ Be-all ” and the company vision . We decided that our company vision would be based on a charitable trust called " Plant It Forward " - so giving back to the hemp community and providing support for those involved in moving the hemp industry forward .
During Covid we had a soft launch of “ be-all ” and began marketing our own hulled hemp seed foods . We are proud to be working with Hemp Connect in Whanganui who dehulled our CRS1 hemp seed , which was grown by Midlands – these hemp kernels are now retailing online at be-all . nz

Next we are going to produce a hempbased burger , and are keen to see cheese and yoghurts made with hemp seed .

The food space is very exciting , but we have to add value to the product as it is a highly competitive market with other NZ brands and imported