iHemp #16 EXPO Review - iHemp magazine | Page 51

Before you put in too much or too little of anything , you need to know what your soil is doing !
Dan ( Managing Director ), Amanda , Pierre , Cody , Hamish

We ' ve done the hard work for you

A Living Soil , that tends itself

Seacliff Organics can find out what ' s in your soil to help you understand if it ' s going to be hard work for you in the future or not . You ' ll find out if it ' s got too much or too little of important minerals ...

More importantly you ' ll find out what ' s going on with biology of the community of living organisms in the soil called the ' Soil Food Web '. The Soil Food Web is the community of organisms , living all or part of their lives in the soil . A complex living system in the soil , which interacts with the environment , the plants , and the animals . Seacliff Organics are the only people in New Zealand certified to run a Soil Food Web Lab .
Quickly fix an imbalance using their range of organic and " delicious ", amendments and supplements via their online shop .

Before you put in too much or too little of anything , you need to know what your soil is doing !

Seacliff Organics offers soil solutions and soil amendments for :
• Home gardeners , Horticulturalists and Farmers .