Picture this: Soft sunset hues light up a palm-fringed beach as you stroll barefoot in a cool breeze. It’s paradise, just as you thought it would be. However, when you turn the corner, an apocalyptic scene of strewn plastic unfurls. Not only plastic from the hotel or village close to the beach, but plastic from all over the world — bottles, toothbrushes, bags, pallets, nets, and packaging — shattering the idyllic moment forever. Sadly, this is a familiar tale. If we don’t all take action soon, there will be no pristine landscapes worth travelling for.
The war on plastic is increasingly top of mind within the travel industry. Countless campaigns are working around the clock to hammer home the message that it’s no longer acceptable to turn a blind eye. The Long Run’s 40 members are exemplary in their commitment, which includes reducing plastic front and back of house, innovating with new materials, extending recycling efforts into communities, and educating guests.
Here are five of the best:
Nomad Lodges, Colombia
Nomad Lodges Amazonas is a 237-acre private reserve in the heart of the Colombian Amazon set on having a positive impact. Its ‘Waste for Food’ project is changing local mindsets by exchanging rubbish for food. Twenty families have been given bags to collect all non-organic waste, mostly plastic. The lodge then takes them to a recycling centre in return for rice, oil and salt, which is then handed back to the community. So far, 300kg of waste has been collected, and Nomad hopes to roll the scheme out to over 1000 families.