The Benefit
of a Mutual
when it comes to protection for your business
- by Prof. Allan Manning
Did you know that the oldest Australian automotive industry
company in the world set up to just as the brewers did all those
protect against the risk of fire years ago. So what does this mean?
started in Hamburg Germany in It means that when it comes to
1676 and it was a mutual? What a claim, you are treated as you
this means is that it was owned should be: a paying customer AND
by its members not by faceless Member.
shareholders only interested in I have seen the evidence of this
profits and dividends. many times in person where the
Back in 1675, a group of brewers, claims team at Capricorn actively
as Hamburg was a big centre for look for ways to pay claims and not
brewing, got together and formed like some out there that promise
the mutual to protect each other you the world, and then when it
from a catastrophe loss such as comes to claims, move you from
fire, burglary or storm and you being a customer to a cost centre.
know what, the organisation is still Protecting yourself against risk
in existence and is still protecting in my experience is THE most
Prof. Allan Manning is one of Australia’s its members to this day 341 years important contract you enter into
most academically qualif ied insurance later. What great wisdom that in your business life. It protects
of tertiary institutions, delivering over 1,250 original group of business men and your life’s work, your income and
papers on insurance and risk management women displayed back then. that of your staff. My business is
Today in this dog eat dog world the reason I get out of bed in the
of big corporations where the morning, I love what I do and would
wordings. shareholder is often more important hate to think what would happen if
He is currently president of the International than the customer, it is comforting I lost it all.
rated in the top 20 most influential people to know that something that is as With so muc h at st ake, I
in Australian insurance for the past 6 years. important as your business can be recommend you are protected with
protected by Capricorn Mutual. a mutual, the one for your industry,
C apr ic or n Mutual was set up is Capricorn Mutual.
professionals having lectured at a number
topics. With over 45 years in the industry,
Prof. Manning now acts as a client advocate
on claims, an expert witness, conducts
policy program reviews and drafts insurance
Institute of Claims Preparers and has been
He was awarded the Life Time Achievement
Award at the 2012 Insurance Industr y
Awards and honorary life membership of
the Australian and New Zealand Institute of
Insurance and Finance.
to protect its members in the
Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd include discretionary risk protection and general insurance
products. Discretionary risk protection is issued out of Australia by Capricorn Mutual Ltd. Before deciding to acquire
discretionary risk protection you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement to see if it is appropriate for you.
General insurance products are issued by a range of insurers and are available through Capricorn Risk Services
Pty Ltd as a member broker of PSC Connect NZ Limited. Capricorn Risk Services is a registered financial services
provider (390466) and a corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038).