Ignition Australia July 2017 | Page 26

focus on the cars you have in your workshop-Not the one's you don't - by Jeff Smit Everybody knows that repairs on intervals now suggested by car maintenance being completed. This modern day vehicles are becoming makers dealerships is happening because the workshop much time might be OK for a perfect world, might be too busy, or they assume consuming and costlier than they but driving environments and the the customer can’t afford it, or even once were. driving patterns of motorists are worse, 'she'll be right'. It must follow that the role of the far from perfect, hence regular To quantify the revenue potential automotive technician has become maintenance on a whole raft of of more important than ever. vehicle components is as vital now items TaT Biz offers an Average They can no longer see themselves as it ever was. Service Price Calculator template as service mechanics who do the So when someone drops off their car that will calculate how many of standard grease and oil change, for an oil service a good workshop these additional items you should plus any repairs that the customer must look beyond the service to be selling on average each week wants done. the vehicle's future. and the associated revenue this more Compounding complex, the role of the ask their Technicians themselves, these routine maintenance 'what will generate. The template can be technician is the undeniable fact maintenance does this vehicle need downloaded at www.tatbiz.net.au/ that car owners have long since to ensure it doesn’t break down and resources. stopped fussing with their own cars. have problems in the foreseeable The template will point to the fact This means that there is now an future'. This is called preventative that significant revenue is walking obligation on workshop personnel maintenance. out of most workshops every week. to protect their customers and try Most workshops Hence my contention that repair to stave off costly repairs. In fact, assume they do this well but TaT businesses should focus on the cars customers need to be educated research has clearly shown that that are already in the workshop about the importance of ongoing vehicles first before worrying about the cars maintenance. The longer service every 26 CAPRICORN IGNITION JULY 2017 must and independent are day leaving workshops without necessary that aren't booked in.