Just How Long Should Vehicle
Repair Take?
Calculating accurate repair times in Capricorn
Service Data
As professionals, we know that the way vehicles are built differs greatly between manufacturers. Even
vehicles built by the same manufacturer have significant differences, so we expect repair times to vary from
model to model.
However, we don’t always consider a vehicle’s history: how old it is, how well it has been serviced in the past,
the conditions it has been driven in and how it has been stored. All these factors can turn a perfectly quick
and easy job into one that requires various levels of additional effort (and possibly brute force)!
Powered by Autodata, Capricorn Service Data provides official manufacturer repair times, giving all Members
a huge helping hand in getting their estimates correct. However, it is important that technicians remember
that these are guides based on how long it would take to carry out the repair on brand new vehicles.
As a general rule, Autodata recommends adding a 30-40% buffer to all times.
This can be done by following the steps:
Login to capricorn.coop and select Capricorn Service Data
located under “Knowledge” on the left of your screen.
2. Select ‘Settings’ in the top right corner of the screen,
3. This will open a new page where you will see ‘Garage Settings’
which includes a “Repair times adjuster’
4. Slide the blue bar to increase the percentage on the repair time
calculater before clicking ‘Save’. This will now update repair
times whenerever you use the repair time calculator.
5. Note: under the ‘Garage Settings’ you will also see areas to adjust
your hourly rate and GST to further increase the accuracy of
the repair time calculator.
Of course, only the technician standing in front of the vehicle can make a judgment about what condition the
vehicle is in and what percentage to add on top of the official repair times. Capricorn Service Data’s Estimate
Calculator enables technicians to tailor the repair times to reflect the age and condition of vehicles, allowing
workshops to provide more realistic quotes to their customers.
Capricorn Service Data gives you instant access to the most comprehensive range
of online service information for over 29,000 vehicles – including manufacturers’
service schedules, service illustrations, repair times and an estimate calculator.
Included as part of your Capricorn membership, visit capricorn.coop/ServiceData