second-hand part can be used instead of a new car should come in next, taking into consideration
part. As soon as you present options customers driving habits and the health of the car.
will usually engage with you and ask questions to 6. Stay in touch. As well as a customer follow-
satisfy themselves that they are taking the right up program, you must ensure all customers are
action. You are effectively selling the benefits of continually exposed to your brand. This means
the repair, making the whole experience more investing in brand building campaigns, regular
comfortable for both parties. newsletters, perhaps an e-news every few months
4. Make it sound like a great deal. Everyone likes
with good car maintenance ideas and specials.
to think they saved some money. The easiest You can always offer customer incentives and try a
way to do this without discounting is to show the variety of promotional campaigns, however these will
customer a higher spec option. It could be as always pale in comparison to one simple business
simple as just pricing the repair using genuine philosophy: Provide a great service at a competitive
parts. This will give the customer a feeling that price and build relationships with every customer.
you have gone to the trouble to come up with a The place to start is
solution that is going to save them money.
5. Scheduling the next appointment. Modern
society is all about flexibility and creating situations
that suit the individual. This means that setting
up your system to send out six-monthly service
reminders may not be best practice. Instead, take
For more tips on how to keep your customers
coming back, download the Customer Service
Guides available now to all Capricorn Members
the time to discuss with your customer when the