IGNIS | Page 8

The Muscular System Your muscular system is responsible for the movement in your body. You have three main types of muscle in your body – striated, visceral and cardiac. Striated Muscles Striated muscles are the muscles attached to your skeletal system and there are around 650 named muscles that fall into this category, which make up almost half of your body weight! They are the only voluntary muscles in your body, which means they are controlled consciously. Every action you choose to perform, such as walking, running, speaking, sitting is controlled by these striated muscles. The fibres in striated muscle are very strong and they contract rapidly. The purpose of these muscles is to contract in order to move parts of the body closer to the bone that the muscle attaches to. Most are attached to two bones by a tendon, 8 IGNIS across a joint, and the muscle brings these two bones closer - think of your arms or legs bending. A tendon is a tough band of dense connective tissue which attaches the muscle to the bone firmly. Striat