IGNIS WINTER 2016-2017 | Page 8


Well that ’ s the Dr . Who Christmas Special over . You have eaten too much and all you want to do now is escape to your room and relax . Why not try our Box of Delights – guaranteed fat free but packed full of enjoyment . We ’ ve links to some great sites to try and suggestions for some superb books to spend Aunty X ’ s Amazon voucher on as well as a few more groans if there weren ’ t enough in the crackers this year . Have Fun ! www . hornetinc . com / home . html
Cute or creepy , incredibly artsy based short films including this lovely music video Ma ’ agalim created by Uri Lotan to the music of Jane Bordeaux .
Embed video :
< iframe src =” https :// player . vimeo . com / video / 162052542 ” width =” 640 ” height =” 360 ” frameborder =” 0 ” webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen ></ iframe > < p >< a href =” https :// vimeo . com / 162052542 ”> Ma &# 039 ; agalim - Jane Bordeaux </ a > from < a href =” https :// vimeo . com / user3723898 ”> Uri Lotan </ a > on < a href =” https :// vimeo . com ”> Vimeo </ a >.</ p >
www . hitrecord . org
Communal Art at its best . Find a Creative Challenge and become part of a Collaborative Community working on projects together .
thinkwritten . com / 365-creativewriting-prompts
Thinking of making your New Year ’ s Resolution to write a poem , short story , or journal entry every day for a whole year ? Can ’ t think of enough things to do ? Thinkwritten offers a prompt for every day of the year .
www . creativesprint . co
Can ’ t face a whole year ? Then why not try 30 days of creativity ? Sign up to Sprint Creative Sprint a global art game . For 30 days you ’ ll receive a make prompt and then can share your finished result on social media using the hashtag # CreativeSprint .