Table of Contents
Cover: One Direction-The Taker Over
Table of Contents: 3
Editors Corner: page 8 Editor and Chief Jazmyne Byrd (Done)
IGirl Style: “The Hottest Swimsuits of 2014” –Tatyana Williams
Beauty 411: “Soaking up Fun in the Sun”- Jessica Ibe
IGIRL Hot Guys: page 28-29- Actor Tevon Plunkett (Done)
IGIRL Cover Story: pages 30-36 “ The TakeOver” One Direction- Laurelle Stephens and Caroline
IGIRL Relationships: What to say, What NOT to say, Rules for the perfect date.”- Ke’Arra
Nunnery (Done)
Igirl ENT!: pages 43-45 “ Now that’s a BOSS Move: She came like a Thief in the Night” – Dee
IGIRL ‘You be the judge” Celeb Gossip- pages 49-50 Fidline Ecxat, Temperance McKinley, and
Dee Reed (Done)
IGIRL Girl Talk- pages 51-53 “Better Safe than sorry?”- Nisha Glenn