Executive summary
Executive summary
The UK market: a split screen betting suggest a GGR of circa DKK340.8m
The UK market very much appears split between (€45.8m or £40.9m) and online casino came in
the top two multiproduct operators –bet365 and at DKK458m. The online casino market has been
Sky Betting & Gaming – and the rest who, with experiencing a boom over the past three years,
notable exceptions depending on the vertical, are rising from a total of DKK248m in the second
failing to keep pace with the market leaders. quarter of 2014.
There are many medium and small competitors,
In September this year, the Danish regulator
particularly in gaming, doing much more in the conducted a search of websites that it
UK than simply making up the numbers. Gaming determined were targeting Danish players illegally.
companies occupying niche positions in the The report concluded that the liberalisation of the
market appear to be performing more strongly, Danish market has dramatically cut the number of
benefiting from better targeted customer websites ill egally targeting Denmark.
acquisition and flexible retention techniques.
All of the chasing pack have either already
Spain: an expanded market
been directly involved in consolidation within the The online gambling market in Spain will be
gambling sector, taken part in failed discussions getting bigger within the next year after the
or are rumoured to have been in discussions Spanish regulator, the Dirección General de
about further deals. Ordenación del Juego, announced in September
Significantly, the top two have yet to take any
that up to 10 new licences were to be issued. This
part in the process. This is not a coincidence. One is the first tender since 2015, when a further 10
of the obvious points about M&A – and certainly a licensees were welcomed to the Spanish fold, and
factor in why it is often seen after the fact to have it will see the total number of licensees rise to 45.
been value destructive – is the disruption caused. The third-quarter figures showed year-on-year
growth hitting 37% and total revenues coming
Denmark: a growing market in at €141m (£126m). Casino was the big winner.
The Danish online market continued to progress Total revenues for the period were up 54% to
in the second quarter. Our estimates for online €44m, representing 31% of the market.
iGaming Business Market Monitor • December 2017