iGB Intelligence reports Affiliate-Monitor-1Q19(clone) | Page 15

Part 2: M&A update important element of the deals Catena has done casinoFever.ca in Canada, Shogun Media a year have been shares-based, particularly when it comes ago and casinoFeber.se in May last year). to earnouts. Hence the share price slide has come “We will continue to look for companies that at an inopportune moment and its attractiveness to complement our current business,” says Scott potential targets has been diminished. Collins, head of communications and corporate Of course, the other reading of the M&A lull is responsibility at Raketech. “We are experienced that the low-hanging fruit has been snapped up. in the process, know what we want and do not According to this analysis, the larger listed affiliate want to rush into anything without finding the entities no longer see the same benefits from right fit; the right people behind the company adding acquired assets as was the case a few and on fair terms.” years ago. This would seem to be the case with Catena, which has suggested recently that it has For Collins there are three factors which play been closing sites acquired in recent years. into the M&A slowdown: But the Redeye analysts are not convinced. “We believe it has made too many acquisitions to be able to handle them in a constructive fashion,” they wrote. “Its low organic growth is evidence • There are few remaining high-quality companies out there willing to sell; • Prices are too high. The higher competition increases the price expected by sellers. of this, and only 50% of its revenues comes from Also, past acquisitions might have been too revenue-share agreements.” expensive, and as the current expectations are based on past overestimated multiples, we are A smaller pool seeing greatly inflated prices. As such, fewer Catena Media is merely the most obvious buyers are willing to pay high prices; example of a company that has gorged itself on acquisitions in recent years but others have joined • The bigger affiliates are now listed companies and have an added responsibility to make sure the fray with equal enthusiasm, if not quite the an acquisition will be able to deliver long-term same appetite. results. Buyers are therefore more cautious One obvious consequence of the M&A splurge when evaluating potential M&A targets. in recent years – and a partial explanation for the relative slowdown in activity in recent months – is Another company which has also recently been that the more obvious targets have all now been making acquisitions in the space is Net Gaming snapped up. Europe and its chief executive Marcus Teilman “Many of the choice opportunities have says there are “some qualitative prospects been picked off already,” says Charles Gillespie, out there still and we will continue to see new, chief executive at Gambling.com Group. “The innovative ones popping up”. bigger deals that do happen make sense as the The entrepreneurial nature of the affiliate space corporate affiliates now need to do bigger M&A means it is never static. New sites are cropping than ever to continue to move the needle and up all the time, enticing new players with newer, hit growth targets. What used to be big is now potentially more mobile-based offerings. And considered small.” with an obvious pathway through to a potential One company which has been active in the sale, it seems unlikely this will be a river that will past year is Raketech, which has made three necessarily dry up any time soon, regardless of deals in the past 18 months (the most recent deal, the regulatory backdrop for gambling. iGaming Business • Affiliate Monitor • August 2019  12