iGB Affiliate Monitor October 2023 iGB Affiliate Monitor October 2023 | Page 3

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Questions ? Comments ? Email stephen . carter @ clariongaming . com


Editor ’ s Letter

Leveraging authority

This edition sees Scott Longley hone in on the listed affiliates ’ mainstream media partnerships , whereby they trade in some of their margin in return for being able to piggyback the authority of mainstream media brands up the Google rankings .
This page rental trend is of course far from new . The Telegraph ’ s Better Collective-powered betting section launched back in 2019 and now ranks for about 44,000 keywords in the UK , according to a recent Sistrix analysis run by SEO consultant Julia Logan for iGBA .
But it continues to accelerate and spread across other geos such as Germany and the US , where smaller affiliates are being pushed down the SERPs for queries such as ‘ best online casino ’. This is “ forcing them to target longer-tail keywords with less volume ”, as RB Capital ’ s Ben Robinson observes on p6 .
The big question is how it evolves from here . While Gambling . com Group is applying the brakes , shareholder pressure across the sector mitigates against a wholesale slowdown . Which of course raises the spectre of increased regulatory scrutiny of the strategy given its potential to put gambling-linked content in front of a higher volume of low-intent users .
As always , I would love to hear any feedback you have on this and other iGB Affiliate content . You can reach me at stephen . carter @ clariongaming . com .
“ The Telegraph ’ s Better Collectivepowered betting section launched back in 2019 and now ranks for some 44,000 keywords in the UK ”
Stephen Carter Head of affiliate content , Clarion Gaming