iGB Affiliate Monitor March 2023 | Page 13

Hit to revenues caused by more customers opting to engage on a rev-share basis
“ We are now seeing operators where we are turning profitable with revenue share and it ’ s picking up ”
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€ 10m

Hit to revenues caused by more customers opting to engage on a rev-share basis
“ We are now seeing operators where we are turning profitable with revenue share and it ’ s picking up ”
can last quite a while . But we are pleased to see that traction in the business . We can expect to see that recurring revenue in the future .”
Søgaard noted that the current environment in the US – where operators are now much more focused on making a profit from the players they have – was “ good for such conversation ”. “ There is no doubt we sense a different climate for having such discussions right now ,” he added .
“ We think that is a very important distinction with Better Collective in this market ,” he said .
“ The products we have built , the brands we own , they have a very big audience that is recurring , coming back to our sites to get inspired as to what to bet on . We are constantly in the mind of the users and ultimately the customers of the sportsbook .
“ Therefore , we add value for the lifetime of the user , and we believe it is great to be aligned with the sportsbooks so we tap into that lifetime value .”
In his introductory remarks , Søgaard said Better Collective was seeing “ good momentum despite the uncertain environment ”. That uncertainty , he suggested later on the call , likely counted against the company in being involved in any immediate prospective M & A .
“ But if we see an opportunity in a distressed sale then we have the capacity to engage with it . We have a strong pipeline and we engage in a lot of conversations .”
It remains to be seen whether those conversations involve its erstwhile major rival – and now just another smaller competitor – Catena Media . Søgaard said at one point that Better Collective ’ s goal is to become the “ world ’ s leading digital sports media company ”. Nobody would bet against that right now .
March 2023