iGB Affiliate Monitor June 2024 | Page 3

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Editor ’ s Letter

Widening the net

If our experts ’ prediction that Google turning down the volume on legacy newspaper partnerships will hasten the move towards owning or partnering media brands driven by newer channels such as influencers , social , podcasts and video , that likely plays well for the affiliates already moving in that that direction , including Better Collective .
This is also taking place against the backdrop of a sector seemingly starting to edge away from reliance on Google and SEO affiliates . The relationship between Google and igaming SEOs has gone into reverse of late , mainly due to the perceived growing gap between what Google and its liaisons have been promoting as best practice and how this is rewarded in the SERPs , with reams of ‘ helpful ’ websites wiped out by successive updates .
The mistrust also escalated with the leak of what Google is using as ranking signals and its continued push of generally poor AI-generated overviews to the top of results . The most robust advice emanating from the SEO community amid all the confusion and flux came from the original recipient of the leaked doc , SparkToro ’ s Rand Fishkin . Which is that for marketers looking to improve organic search rankings and traffic , “ build a notable , popular , well-recognised brand in your space , outside of Google search .” So Google-first , no longer Google-only , basically .
“ The relationship between Google and igaming SEOs has gone into reverse of late , mainly due to the perceived growing gap between what Google and its liaisons have been promoting as best practice and how this is rewarded in the SERPs ”
Stephen Carter , Head of affiliate content