iGB Affiliate 96_iGBAB 2025 | Page 15

than move forward with purpose .
AI is a nice case study . For a few years now , lots of affiliates have used it to churn out low-quality , generic content in great volumes . Some paid a heavy price for this back in March .
For me , this is missing the point . AI is so exciting because it lets us serve groups of users with a far more personalised approach . It should be supporting your writers to create even better content , not replacing them altogether .
New technology isn ’ t just about finding shortcuts and making our lives easier . Yes , it can do that , but I firmly believe the affiliates that succeed in the future will be using it in far more creative ways .
What does brand mean to you and your audience ?
I don ’ t hear many affiliates talk about retention . “ That ’ s the operator ’ s job ” is the usual response when I bring it up .
Operators worked out a long time ago that acquiring a new
We are finding success by combining creative brands with great content and the opportunity for audiences to interact and form communities around our assets
user is tough . When you do , you need a plan to keep them around .
Affiliates should be thinking in the same way . But that ’ s not easy and requires a completely new way of thinking about the role of an affiliate . We can ’ t just be an on-ramp or off-ramp for traffic . We need to build brands that not only resonate but engage and add value . At Already Media , we ’ re a couple of years down the road on this , but I ’ d be lying if I said we have it completely figured out .
We are , however , finding success by combining creative brands with great content and the opportunity for audiences to interact and form communities around our assets .
For me , this is a glimpse into the future of igaming affiliation and we ’ re ready for whatever comes next .
Alina Famenok is the CEO of tech-driven affiliate and media company Already Media . She brings more than five years of experience across the global igaming market to the role , with a strong focus on continuous innovation and data-driven solutions .