iGB Affiliate 95_iGB L!VE 2024 | Page 3




There ’ s a real sense of one chapter closing and another one opening as we prepare to bid vaarwel to Amsterdam after 14 happy years . But before we give the Dutch capital the sendoff it deserves , we ’ d like to usher in our brand-new iGB Affiliate magazine , reimagined and redesigned to meet the changing tastes and needs of you , our valued affiliate audience .

Those of you who frequent our website and subscribe to our newsletters will recognise their influence on the magazine ’ s sleek new look . Opening proceedings is an extensive Traffic & Strategy section , where you ’ ll find opinion and analysis from the likes of Jamie Walters , CEO of QiH Group ( p15 ) and Martyn Hannah , MD of Comparasino ( p31 ). Next up is Emerging Markets where I investigate what it takes for an affiliate to enter India and scale in such a febrile market ( p39 ).


Next we check in on North America and hear from MediaTroopers CEO Sam Segal on his paid media model and the importance of being licensed in every state ( p58 ), before the issue closes with our revamped Data & Tracking section , home to an array of regulatory and financial dashboards .
In the magazine as in the show there is much to spark interest and debate , so as you ’ re making your way through the halls please do make time to check out our live content at the Pulse Theatre . I will be moderating a panel on day two around how affiliates can attract the next generation of employees . It would be great to meet many of you there . Come and say hello !
Head of affiliate content : Stephen Carter stephen . carter @ clariongaming . com Editor : Dan Kleiner daniel . kleiner @ clariongaming . com Art editor : Ogo Ikeogu Production editor : Guy Parsons Managing director : Alex Pratt Portfolio director , B2B : Richard Linn Portfolio director , iGB Affiliate : Naomi Barton Non-executive chairman : Michael Caselli Sales director : Ian Larcombe ian . larcombe @ clariongaming . com Head of sales : Amy Cunnington amy . cunnington @ clariongaming . com Strategic account manager : Luke Webb luke . webb @ clariongaming . com Business development manager : Jake Lemer jake . lemer @ clariongaming . com Sales account manager : Samantha Laker samantha . laker @ clariongaming . com
Printed in the UK by Micropress . Published by iGaming Business Ltd , Bedford House , Fulham Green , 69-79 Fulham High Street , London SW6 3JW , UK . iGB Affiliate is published biannually © iGaming Business Ltd 2024 . All rights reserved . No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means , or stored in any retrieval system of any nature without prior written permission , except for permitted fair dealing under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 . Application for permission for use of copyright material including permission to reproduce extracts in other published works shall be made to the publishers . Full acknowledgement of author , publisher and source must be given . The paper used within this publication has been sourced from a Chain-of-Custody certified manufacturer , operating within international environmental standards such as ISO14001 and EMAS . This is to ensure sustainable sourcing of the raw materials , sustainable production and to minimise our carbon footprint . ISSN 1756-3437 .
QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS ? daniel . kleiner @ clariongaming . com iGBAFFILIATE . COM • 3