IFDC Annual Report 2014 | Page 24

CATALIST-2 2012-2015 Objective – Catalyze Accelerated Agricultural Intensification for Social and Environmental Stability (CATALIST)-2 promotes agribusiness cluster development, market integration and agricultural intensification. The objective is to significantly improve food security in Central Africa’s Great Lakes Region by focusing on effective agribusiness clusters, high-demand commodities, existing agro-dealer networks and infrastructure. Using the “market” as the key driver for agricultural intensification, scarce development resources are maximized through public-private partnerships. By the end of the project, it is estimated that 700,000 smallholder farmers will experience increases in incomes of 50 percent; an additional 1 million metric tons of marketable cereal equivalents will be produced, which will greatly enhance food security in the project’s target areas. Related Intervention Areas – Improve Nutrient Use Practices for Better Economic and Environmental Outcomes, Improve Efficiency of Input Markets, Improve Management Capability and Profitability of Farm Enterprises, Strengthen and Support Robust Output Markets, Analyze, Inform and Influence Policy Reform Collaborators – National and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Burundi Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, DRC Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) and the Centre for Development Innovation of Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR-CDI) Donors – The Netherlands’ Directorate-General for International Cooperation (DGIS), Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Rwanda and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Rwanda Locations – Burundi, DRC and Rwanda CATALIST-Uganda 2012-2016 Objective – CATALIST-Uganda is raising smallholder incomes and enhancing food security through improved productivity and market access development. The project is developing integrated cropping systems for several value chains, including Irish potatoes, cassava, oil seeds (sunflowers and soybeans) and rice using the accelerated agribusiness cluster development model. Project activities also focus on seed and fertilizer market development, output marketing, agribusiness linkages and an improved policy environment for smallholder farmers. By the end of the project, an estimated 110,000 smallholders will have doubled yields and increased their incomes by 50 percent. Related Intervention Areas – Improve Nutrient Use Practices for Better Economic and Environmental Outcomes, Improve Managem