If Objects Could Tell Stories WWI Artifact Edition for FPS | Page 5

Hey im a Harley Davidson Motorcycle from WW1 , I was so important because of my capability to do many jobs . Here let me show you some examples , I was used for going down windy countryside roads by the british army because there stupid trucks where not able to go on rads ike that , gosh I hate trucks they think there soo much better than us motorbikes , but guess what they cant do . Drive on the countryside , anyway I was also used by dispatch riders to transport messages from one place to another like I said before because I was small and agile it made it easy for me to not be seen or caught , ok now back to everything I was used for in World War One . I was also used by military police as an
escort vehicle , I bet you will never believe this but guess what in 1918 towards the end of the war I escorted Georges Clemenceau himself , He needed to get back to britain fast so I was called to escorte him . I
guess i ' m just special like that . Any way more about me and what I was used for . One of the most important jobs I ever had was and ambulance driver . Because stupid
trucks and ambulances could not get into some places
that we where in the war they called upon you guessed it . Me . looking back now I must have saved about three or four hundred soldiers during my time as I ambulance driver . Because of me soldiers got to go back to there loving families , ok enough sappy stuff . Oh My Gosh I can ' t believe I forgot to mention all my cool accessories . I have had many awesome accessories in my life because of all of the jobs that I have had . During
my time as an ambulance motorbike I had a sidecar , It really brought out my handlebars . I also had a machine gun on me at one point but know that I am old and locked up inside this museum somewhere in Missouri
they took it off . Oh , did I mention that the U . S army bought over 80,000 of bikes like me . Man was I
important to World War One .

Hey im a Harley Davidson Motorcycle from WW1 , I was so important because of my capability to do many jobs . Here let me show you some examples , I was used for going down windy countryside roads by the british army because there stupid trucks where not able to go on rads ike that , gosh I hate trucks they think there soo much better than us motorbikes , but guess what they cant do . Drive on the countryside , anyway I was also used by dispatch riders to transport messages from one place to another like I said before because I was small and agile it made it easy for me to not be seen or caught , ok now back to everything I was used for in World War One . I was also used by military police as an

escort vehicle , I bet you will never believe this but guess what in 1918 towards the end of the war I escorted Georges Clemenceau himself , He needed to get back to britain fast so I was called to escorte him . I

guess i ' m just special like that . Any way more about me and what I was used for . One of the most important jobs I ever had was and ambulance driver . Because stupid

trucks and ambulances could not get into some places

that we where in the war they called upon you guessed it . Me . looking back now I must have saved about three or four hundred soldiers during my time as I ambulance driver . Because of me soldiers got to go back to there loving families , ok enough sappy stuff . Oh My Gosh I can ' t believe I forgot to mention all my cool accessories . I have had many awesome accessories in my life because of all of the jobs that I have had . During

my time as an ambulance motorbike I had a sidecar , It really brought out my handlebars . I also had a machine gun on me at one point but know that I am old and locked up inside this museum somewhere in Missouri

they took it off . Oh , did I mention that the U . S army bought over 80,000 of bikes like me . Man was I

important to World War One .