IERP® Monthly Newsletter Issue 4/ September 2018 | Page 2

Dear readers,
Welcome to the inaugural launch of our quarterly newsletter.

Last year, we saw how economic instability, rising geopolitical tensions, the rapid pace of technological innovation, and growing concerns over climate change have contributed to a growing sentiment worldwide that organisations can no longer operate or manage risk like it’s business as usual.
While in recent years we have observed the growing adoption of ERM frameworks and practices, there still remains a general lack of comprehensive understanding and implementation. New challenges seem to be arising everyday, and it’s part of the IERP® mission to ensure that organisations top-down are well-versed in Enterprise Risk Management not just to weather the storms as they come, but also to recognize and grab ahold of strategic opportunities.

In these pages you’ll see discussion of the top issues regional business leaders and risk professionals faced in 2017. In our forums, networking sessions, and training programs, it’s never been clearer that there is an urgent need for greater discourse and implementation of Enterprise Risk Management. A holistic approach to doing business is vital for any organisation to achieve commercial sustainability, resilience, and agility.