IEEE Newsletter - University of Peradeniya Volume 2 (March 2019) | Page 20

IEEE SS12 competition T he IEEE SS12 is a compe on organized to recognize the best social innovators on a global level. The IEEE Sri Lanka Sec on together with the IEEE Madras Sec on Educa on Society conducted this compe on under the theme 'Empathy to Engineering: Solu ons for Macro Issues'. The SS12 pilot compe on, parallel to the main compe on, organized by the IEEE Student Branch of the University of Peradeniya was held on 18th August, 2018 in the SLT auditorium with the par cipa on of 8 teams from the University of Peradeniya. The compe on was very intense and the young inventors had come up with various innova ve ideas.The compe tors were judged by Dr. Sudheera Navaratne, a Senior lecturer from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Dr. Ruwan Ranaweera also from the same Department, who is the Student Branch Counselor of the IEEE Student Branch of University of Peradeniya. The final leg of the compe on was held on the 8th and 9th of September, 2018 at the NSBM Green University. The event saw students from interna onal universi es par cipa ng and showcasing their engineering skills. In addi on, the event also saw the par cipa on of over 50 invitees including eminent IEEE leaders and over 100 visitors. Throughout the two days of IEEE SS12, undergraduates and students from 9 different countries in the Asian region and Africa competed under 4 tracks; the Innova on Challenge, Maker Fair, Junior Einstein, and a Virtual Track. In the Innova on Challenge Track, 16 teams par cipated for the final round represen ng 8 countries, namely Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan, where the team 'Mul spectral' from University of Peradeniya was able to secure the 3rd place in the region. (Winner-India, 1st Runner up-India) Shan Wijesinghe & Kalani Samarasinghe Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Peradeniya PAGE 18 IEEE Newsletter University of Peradeniya