like features hence making it very interactive. This was introduced as a limited-
edition product.
This finally today has resulted in the creation of one of the finest and the very first
robot which got the citizenship of Saudi
Arabia. It’s none other than Sophia, the
most human-like robot activated on 14 th
February 2016 which made a public
appearance for the first time in March
2016. Cameras are attached within
Sophia's eyes combined with computer
algorithms allowing her to see. It can
follow faces, sustain eye contact, and
recognize individuals. It is able to
process speech and have conversations
using a natural language subsystem.
Around January 2018 Sophia was
upgraded with functional legs and the
ability to walk. Sophia has been able to
pass many high-class interviews too.
The rigorous application of Machine Learning and AI in today’s world has become
a major game changer in the development of such interactive human-friendly robot
companions which day by day is becoming closer to us.
We are quickly proceeding to a future of androids with massive developments in
the AI field. Would having an android friend be a Revolution or be Detrimental to
our society? Can we look forward to a future of Humans and Androids having
symbiotic relationships?