When you connect to Netflix you connect to two different platforms , 1 ) Amazon Web Services : Netflix has long been a user of various AWS services . Amazon Web Services ( AWS ), is the section of the Amazon company that sells cloud computing services to both the outside world and to Amazon itself . You can purchase storage space to hold a huge database , bandwidth to host a website , or processing power to run complex software remotely .
Amazon Cloud : Initially , Netflix had its own data centers , however , after major database corruption , the company began to look out for good cloud computing services and settled for the AWS Cloud . The AWS Cloud offers the greatest ability to scale , which is critical for a business growing at their pace , along with the greatest portfolio of services .
2 ) Netflix OpenConnect -- Netflix built its own dedicated Content Delivery Network for serving video bits . Netflix used to rely on third-party providers like Akamai and Level 3 for the caching work , but it now delivers all its content via OpenConnect .
The content is carried by local ISPs ( Internet service providers ) who connect to the CDN (
Content Delivery Network ) in one of two ways : they peer with it at common Internet exchanges — basically big data centers where different network providers connect to each other — or they can install Netflix ' s storage systems , which it provides them for free , on their own premises . Either way , doing so reduces the strain of Netflix traffic going over their networks .