iDentistry The Journal Volume 14 No.1 | Page 29

The Journal Conclusion The review thus concluded that since urbanization is rapid in India, oral health promotion with the help of primary preventive measures like behaviour modification through dental health education, oral hygiene instructions and dietary instructions along with preventive treatment could be provided through the medium of schools to decrease caries prevalence among the index age groups of children. Since children are seen as the future of the nation, this data could be helpful in the planning of oral health care services by the concerned authorities in the community. Also, it is recommended that further epidemiological 28 studies assessing the prevalence and experience of dental caries among the said age groups should be conducted in different regions of the state to supplement the limited data available at present. This will further aid in the overall evaluation of all the regions of the state giving a more complete picture of the caries trends. De-fluoridation programs should be implemented by the government with the help of dental fraternity to help the people of this region. Furthermore oral health education to the children and awareness to the parents should be arranged for a caries free region. Vol. 14 No. 1 Jan-Apr 2018