iDentistry The Journal Volume 14 No 2 | Page 45

The Journal A test that studied the relative contributions of specific cephalometric measurements to obstructive sleep apnea severity revealed that extended and forward natural head posture, lower hyoid bone position, increased soft palate and tongue dimension and decreased airway dimension had higher association with obstructive sleep apnea severity 43 . A study was done (Ozbek; 1998) to assess the change in oropharyngeal airway dimensions due to functional orthopedic treatment in skeletal class II cases. It suggested that the oropharyngeal airway dimension increases in certain skeletal class II growing subjects when treated with functional appliance 43 . A review of all the available evidence for orthodontic relevance of nasorespiratory obstruction and its effect on facial growth suggested that more rigorous criteria is required to gain a more rational approach to treatment recommendations (Katherine 45 ;1998) . Two auxiliary methods of diagnosing nasopharyngeal airway obstruction were compared (Daniel, Felho; 2001). 46 Fig 10 : Nasopharyngeal videoendoscopy; A- Normal turbinates; B-Medium hypertrophy; C-Severe hypertrophy 44 Vol. 14 No. 2 May-August 2018