iDentistry The Journal September-December 2017 | Page 3
The Journal
Imaging technologies – an update!
Dentistry has witnessed tremendous advances in all its branches over the past three
decades. With these advances, the need for more precise diagnostic tools, specially
imaging methods, have become mandatory. From the simple intra-oral periapical X-
rays, advanced imaging techniques like computed tomography, cone beam computed
tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound have also found place in
modern dentistry. Changing from analogue to digital radiography has not only made the
process simpler and faster but also made image storage, manipulation
(brightness/contrast, image cropping, etc.) and retrieval easier. The three-dimensional
imaging (CBCT) has made the complex cranio-facial structures more accessible for
examination and early and accurate diagnosis of deep seated lesions.
CBCT has found varied application in all fields of dentistry. High resolution of CBCT has
helps in detecting variety of cysts, tumors, infections, developmental anomalies and
traumatic injuries involving the maxillofacial structures. It has been used extensively for
evaluating dental and osseous disease in the jaws and temporomandibular joint.
These recent advances in imaging technologies have revolutionized dental
diagnostics and treatment planning. Correct use of appropriate imaging technology
and their correct interpretation, following the ALARA (As low as reasonably achievable)
principles and cost-effectiveness, newer radiographic techniques can help to detect
pathologies in very early stages, which ultimately help to reduce morbidity and mortality
and improve the quality of life of the patients.
Dr. Amrit Raj Bahl
Vol. 13 No. 3
Sep-Dec 2017