iDentistry The Journal identistry_jan_april2019 | Page 30

The Journal 8. Treatment according to an approved and accepted plan: Provision of treatment as discussed and agreed upon by Dental surgeon and patient. 9. Provision of Information: A Dental surgeon is obligated to provide to patients an honest comment and opinion of their oral health. 10. Proper Management of Records: a. A Dental surgeon must maintain accurate and comprehensive records of medical and dental histories, clinical findings, diagnoses, treatment plans, and treatments of each patient. b. Such records or reports of clinical information must be released to the patient, or to whomever the patient directs, when requested by the patient. c. When there is a transfer of patient care to another Dental surgeon, the original dental practitioner must ensure that a copy of the patient’s record is readily available to the new practitioner. deal with all common diseases of the Oral cavity by virtue of his qualification and training. 2. However, if the patient requires expert care of a specialist, appropriate references to Dental or Medical specialists may be made according to the nature of the problem. 3. It is the duty of a specialist to refer the patient back to the patient’s original dentist after the treatment for which the referral was made. 4. While the specialist can collect his or her fees, it would be unethical to pay commissions or any kind of gratuity to the referring dental surgeon. 5. A Dental Surgeon shall not receive from the radiologist, laboratory or dispensing chemist any kind of commission in the form of money, gifts or gratuity for referrals. All referrals for investigation should be judicious, justifiable and done in the best interests of the patient to arrive at a diagnosis. b. Consultation for Patient's Benefit: d. The Dental surgeon must not falsify written or electronic documents including patient records in any manner such as changing previous entries, making false entries, or forging signatures, with the intent to defraud, injure or deceive another. In every consultation, the benefit to the patient is of foremost importance. All Dental Surgeons engaged in the case should be frank with the patient and his attendants. c. Punctuality in Consultation: e. The Dental surgeon must not misuse written or electronic documents, including patient records, by unauthorized removal of such documents from their location of instruction or storage, or unauthorized use or dissemination of personal or private information in such documents. (C) Duties of Dental Surgeons and Specialists in Consultations a. Consultation Etiquettes: 1. A Dental Surgeon should ordinarily be able to 30 Punctuality for consultations should be observed by a Dental Surgeon except in the case of unavoidable professional delays which are justifiable. d. Opinions and Disclosure: 1. All statements to the patient or his representatives made by any Consulting Healthcare Professional and / or the paramedical staff like nurses etc. should take place in the presence of the Dental Surgeon, except as otherwise agreed. Vol. 15 No. 1 Jan-April 2019