iDentistry The Journal identistry_jan_april2019 | Page 28
The Journal
Appendix 4
(Image Source: Google)
9. Treatment can be terminated on the wishes of
the patient or with the resolution of the
complaint for which the patient sought
10. Treatment can also be terminated if the
patient is in need of additional or expert care for
which the Dental surgeon is not equipped to
treat or if it falls outside the range of his
expertise. In such instances, the patient should
be referred to such specialists or higher centers
where treatment is possible.
11. A Dental Practitioner having any incapacity
detrimental to the patient or which can affect his
performance vis-à-vis the patient is not
permitted to practice his profession.
b. Confidentiality:
1. Confidences concerning individual or
domestic life entrusted by patients to a Dental
Surgeon and defects in the disposition or
character of patients observed during
professionally attending to a patient should
never be revealed unless such a revelation is
required by the laws of the State.
Vol. 15
No. 1
Jan-April 2019