iDentistry The Journal identistry_jan_april2019 | Page 20
The Journal
The above tips on Practice Management are my
assembly of ideas and theories and a collection
of a few practical and methodical approaches
that I have been compiling ever since my
M.B.A.’s finished and from my almost 19
completed years of private practice (01.1.2000-
31.12.2018). As a parting note, I am giving you a
few more (11) tips in addition to the top 11
1. Patients are people too and no one likes to
wait, so ideally keep a zero waiting time in
2. Try working strictly on appointment basis only
so that you finish on time as your family needs
you and your time also.
3. Do not over-schedule your working hours; a
tired dentist is more dangerous and liable to
cause damage when forced to work.
4. Give importance to yourself, take out your
‘Me time’ everyday and analyze yourself about
mistakes made and how you can improve them.
5. Differentiate with Value or Die with Price as
people don't care how the product is made and
what it costs (price); all they care is what the
product does for them (value).
6. It is important for us to look beyond our walls
and sense what is going on around us; our
patients do have many options, it is up to us to
convey them all the possibilities, the specialties
we offer.
7. Get yourself to know what you are aiming at
and at the start of each day, plan a little so you
can do a lot more.
8. Identifying your goals is of paramount
importance. To achieve the targeted goals, we
need both proper planning and execution. By
planning, we can develop brilliant strategies
and by executing them well, we save our time as
well as money.
9. Marketing is telling the world that you are a
rock star. The best way to practice is marketing
yourself and your clinic well and lemme tell you
marketing is not selling; but selling is a part of
10. The difference between being ordinary and
being extraordinary is by doing a little more. It is
by pushing through when most people would
quit. It is about never giving up on your dreams
no matter how far away they may feel.
11. Self-confidence is the fundamental basis
from which leadership grows. Not only does the
confidence allow a leader to take tough
decisions, it is also reassuring to employees. It
allows the leader to lead the team with authority,
to accept candour from employees and open
communication and show the force of his will.
Your customer doesn’t care how much you
know until they know how much you care
~Damon Richards
1. https:/ /
3 . h t t p s : / / w w w. f o r b e s . c o m / s i t e s /
Vol. 15
No. 1
Jan-April 2019