Identidades in English No 4, December 2014 | Page 117

few centuries, actually), until the nineteenth century and two great creators: Goya and Dostoyevsky, according to Edward Peters (Inquisition, 1989). Something similar happens with the Cuban chapter. We have to wait to till the second half of the twentieth century for the distortion to take shape in Castroist academe, with its powerful antiAmerican, anti-Spanish and anti-Catholic propaganda. Yet, not even literary fiction has echoed the syncretism theory: not as a spontaneous, fecund and evolutionary dialectic, but as a degenerative imposition thought up by the dominant class. The essay, perhaps, has been the one genre that has most played with La leyenda negra. Not even the worse TV dramas have managed to include the aforementioned matter. We have to wait till the second half of the twentieth century, because the first half would have not have had the right effect given