Identidades in English No 4, December 2014 | Page 56

Jorge Rafael Ramírez; Angie Campos; Sr. Jean-Jacques BEAUSSOU, French Ambassador to Perú and Marco Ramírez, at the “Javier Pérez de Cuellar” National Human Rights prize ceremony This initiative promoted the candidacy of three graduates in the 2014 Regional and Municipal Elections. Rosaliz Lujan Carhuayo was elected Councilwoman of the Acarí District, in the Province of Caravelí, Arequipa. Rosaliz Lujan Carhuayo, 19, a graduate of the Human Rights Training School for Young Afro-Descendant Leaders and councilwoman-elect for the Acarí District, Caravelí Province, Arequipa. Currently, the ASHANTI PERU youth are engaged in a constant effort to incentivize the participation of more youth committed to the arduous work of making themselves VISIBLE, aware that this requires getting to the heart of cultural practices: because racism in our country hides behind phrases, looks, and attitudes that we all assume to be both normal and funny. Yet, so long as someone is excluded from work for not having “light skin”, so long as a child is the subject of racist jokes and insults at school, so long as we suffer a lack of representation in political and social spaces, Ashanti Peru will work tirelessly and without ceasing for a generation empowered and actively participatory - that acts as an agent for social change. We are Ashanti, proudly Afro-Descendant! 56