Identidades in English No 1, February 2014 | Page 43

Movement, to come to Cuba and participate in the Second Race and Cubanness Forum (2011). It was historically significant, too, that CIR members outside Cuba presented at a public hearing during a session of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR). In addition to this, CIR founders and leaders were able to participate in important events abroad. In May, CIR National Coordinator Juan Antonio Madrazo, with other CIR founders and leaders, Manuel Cuesta Morúa and Leonardo Calvo, participated in an intense and successful series of cultural events ISLAS, in Washington. The island leaders became the first independent, Cuban academics to present a panel about Cuban social reality at the Latin American Studies Association (LASA) conference there. While there, they made contact with individuals at prestigious academic and civic institutions. The activists also presented several talks, and spoke on television and radio in Miami. They promoted the creation of the organization Conciencia Cívica [Civic Conscience], whose membership includes Cuban exiles committed to democratic values regarding funda- “Poetry Without End” event” in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (United States). These anti-racists were invited by numerous academic, community and cultural organizations in that city to participate in exhibits and cultural events, and also gave several talks about topics important to Cuban reality. By the end of May, the three leaders joined Rafel Campoamor, President of NGO EmpoderaCuba, and Juan Antonio Alvarado, Editor-in-Chief of the journal 42 mental rights and the integration of all Cubans, regardless of any distinction. In November, Leonardo Calvo and Juan Antonio Alvarado, President of the Plataforma de Integración Cubana [Platform for Cuban Integration], took part in a public hearing about the discrimination of Afro-descendants in Latin America during the 149th session of the IACHR.